Top ten software project management tips

Gravity Jack In the Press

I thought I would share our project management commandments. These are what we live by – feel free to drop me a line if you have more ideas. 🙂
1)      We are not a software company we are a communication company. Software happens here as a byproduct of communication
2)      Create realistic expectations even if it hurts and isn’t what the client wants to hear
3)      Reply instantly to clients with at least an email that says: “Got it”
4)      If a client asks you for status you have not done your job
5)      Don’t drop a ball, EVER – document your tasks. Thou shall not try to remember things, write them down
6)      Cash is not king. Cash FLOW is king
7)      Thou shall make sure you team has checked in their code each day
8)      Work hard, play hard
9)      Perception is reality – take the blame even if you weren’t wrong and keep the project moving towards success
10)   Great programmers equals great software


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