Oculus Rift, Gear VR meet GoPro! 360º Virtual Reality Arrives At Gravity Jack

Gravity Jack In the Press

Just a quick update for you tech-minded folks, like us! Here at Gravity Jack, we’d be lying if we said we weren’t gushing over our latest toys.

A big shipment of GoPros, Oculus Rift and Gear VR just arrived and it blows the doors wide open for a wide range of custom experiences.

This ball (that’s heavier than it looks!) lets our team film virtual tours, 360º panoramic photos or videos, and more! When partnered with Oculus Rift (the latest and greatest virtual reality goggles), our clients now have the ability to create experiences that immerse any user completely into any location, space or scene.

How can it be used?

The opportunities are endless and we already have projects utilizing these capabilities, but use cases include everything from virtual training programs, tours of properties, locations, gaming, entertainment, immersive classroom learning experiences and more!

Learn more about what we can do!

If you’re interested in getting some more information regarding what we’re capable of, you can contact us here at social@gravityjack.com.


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