Sometimes, if you take a step back, it would sound to our founding fathers like we’ve all been given super powers. Here’s the deal: Technology has made leaps and bounds for the past 10, 20, 50 — 100 years. People can communicate in ways that we could have never imagined — even just a few years ago. Brands, companies and media are all faced with a major question…
How do we use this?
Regardless of how long you’ve been in the world of business, this will probably sound familiar. We could easily either be talking about the internet in the 80’s, or mobile today. The answer? Well, kinda both. Sure there are tried and true business staples like the cubicle, the TPS report and that guy in accounting that they HAD to have cloned in the 80’s. The world of business will cling to those for a while…but if you take a step back, the true reality is that in this modern world of business, websites have become arguably more important than a business phone number — and definitely more important than a physical business office.
If you don’t have one, you’re behind.
Here’s another reality check that seems to have time-jumped. Just because you’re ahead of the curve in one way, doesn’t give you a free pass for the future. Websites used to be the novelty and maybe you were the first one there. Cutting edge businesses had them…and the other guys? Well, they put all their chips on the phonebook. That has changed, and only having a desktop site no longer brings hope of cutting it. The web is now the phone book (if you’re not there…are you really even a business?) and the now must-have for any business — whether you’re a brand or local small business, is mobile. Smartphones. Call it what you want — you’ve got to be there.
Because that’s where your consumer is.
Whether it’s cost, time or just a slight feeling of uncertainty about where to begin — there are always reasons as to why folks hesitate to jump on the mobile train. Let’s look at the facts, though:
- 65% of people in the U.S. use a smartphone daily.
- 80% of people reach for their phone first thing in the morning.
- 92% of top global brands are in the app store.
- Mobile traffic has surpassed desktop traffic in China, and is expected to do so in America as well in 2014.
What a mobile app gives you:
- Mobile phones are with your consumer, in their hand, every moment of the day.
- Mobile apps KNOW who your user is, collecting analytics, trends, likes, interests, tendencies and tons more.
- Mobile apps know exactly where your consumer is at all times, and can serve information according to that information.
- Mobile apps play nice with other apps, giving you direct ties to other user bases, loyalties and functionality.
- Mobile apps provide a platform for your user to interact with your very brand in completely unique ways.
Ok, so mobile is mandatory. What can you do about it in 2014?
- First thing is first — find a budget! No matter how you do it, you’ve got to make a budget for your mobile impact. You know your business best and need to figure out where that budget comes from, or how you make it possible, but make it happen.
- Work with a team who understands mobile. Whether it’s your marketing agency, or an experienced app design and development team (cough — like us — cough), don’t go it alone on your own understanding. Make sure the effort (and budget) you’re pouring into this is funneled in the right direction. Contact our team to discuss your needs for free.
- Start with iOS. It’s where the masses are and is a solid, consistent platform, where you can reach a wide audience without worrying about a million different devices, screen dimensions.