The city of Austin, Texas has officially been hijack’d and there’s nothing you can do about it.
Gravity Jack is a team of the world’s most elite developers. We’re a team who creates an amazing technology called “augmented reality”…and thanks to a recent partnership with Myspace…we’re about to blow your mind.
Augmented Reality is a technology that uses a camera (like the one, there, on your smartphone) to view the real world, but with mind-blowing, digital information added to the scene with it. Picture Terminator vision…or the yellow lines on a football field. You’re looking at a live view, but with digital information seamlessly integrated with the scene.
Take that idea…now make it 10 times cooler than your mind can imagine. We realize we just asked the impossible of you. The best part? It’s not impossible. It’s available right now…and it’s free. It’s called browsAR.
browsAR is the world’s fastest and most kick-ass augmented reality application. It’s your eye to the world of augmented reality.
We aren’t in your beautiful city for long. We’re here for SXSW…but once we leave, our influence stays. We’ve blanketed Austin with some of the coolest technology available today…and it’s up to you to spread the word.
Here’s your first assignment:
1. Download browsAR from the App Store or Google Play (formerly “Android Market”). It’s free.
2. Scan the hell out of Austin. Find Myspace marketing and unlock exclusive content.
3. Now that you’re familiar with it…you can make your own. Use browsAR (or online at QAR.cc) to create your own QAR marker that, when scanned with browsAR, shows your Facebook profile in straight AR. Like this…
3.14.2011: It’s Wednesday and the second half of our team showed up in town yesterday evening! We quickly made our way from the airport, to downtown and started the festivities. First on the agenda was meeting our good friends, Myspace, at the official SXSW Myspace House! We held it down with the Myspace team, Kenna, and other close friends and helped spread the augmented reality love!
Today started with meetings and phone calls, business as usual. Once we were ready for the Austin sun, we spent some time parading around the SXSW streets, posting official Gravity Jack augmented reality posters, passing out flyers, stickers, and blowing people’s minds! Our own Justin Farris was along taking photos and documenting our adventures. We’ll post these as soon as we can!
We’re now back at the Myspace house for a meeting with the crew, before headed into the evening. We’ll stay posted and update again soon!
3.15.2011: Hi, y’all! Another update here from the Gravity Jack crew! Last night popped off big time! We were all over Austin, meeting people and sharing the Gravity Jack love. Here are a few photos of people we met. Austin definitely knows how to throw down. We ended up back at the Myspace house where we kicked it with tons of some of the coolest people around, including Asher Roth, DJ Wreckineyez, Kenna, and more!
Click Here for some photos of us meeting Austin!