Gravity Jack featured on KREM 2 News!

Gravity Jack In the Press

Well, it just so happens that Gravity Jack continues to do big things! Due to our involvement and selection to participate in Advertising Age’s Digital Conference 2012: Brand Hack with Budeweiser, we’ve caught the eye of KREM 2 News, here in Spokane, WA. Here’s the report on what we do, how we do it, and what makes our team so special. (Awwwww.)


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    Snapchat recently made a significant announcement that is set to shake up the world of digital advertising. The popular social media platform is now offering augmented reality (AR) advertising opportunities...
    We will be the first to admit it. Augmented reality (AR) was a novelty –WAS being the imperative word here. The year was 2009, Gravity Jack was founded, words like...
  • Why WebAR Is Better For Your Business
    Augmented reality may be a powerful tool to engage customers, enhance marketing efforts, and drive sales, but many businesses can’t afford to front the cost of a custom AR application....