Gravity Jack Featured in Out There Monthly as Leader in Active Mobile Tech

Gravity Jack In the Press

Grab a copy of the latest February edition of Out There Monthly, because yours truly got some love!

Big shout outs to the Inland Northwest’s guide to outdoor recreation!
In the article (you can read, by clicking the image, below) Jon Jonckers, addresses the growing trend of mobile technology assisting those submerging themselves in the great outdoors!
Gravity Jack received a head nod, as one of the leaders in innovation for active outdoor mobile technology, and our CEO, Luke Richey, addresses a few thoughts on the impact that augmented reality (AR) and mobile software can have. From GPS uses, to analyzing the best and safest route up a rockface, augmented reality is here to the rescue, and…of course, we love the media attention!
Check out the article, by clicking the image below:


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