Google Chrome OS Programming

Gravity Jack In the Press

OK after just doing a little bit of a rip fest on Google’s new language GO – I have to say I am excited about the idea of Google Chrome OS. I am not totally sure they should call it an OS, since the kernel is Linux; but the idea of the browser being the primary interface is really interesting from a custom software programming perspective. Check out the sweet tutorial.

My take is that this is more like the .NET runtime but running all the time. The main reason I think this is cool is because it will drive down prices on devices, and it opens up a new type of programming to people that only know JavaScript but couldn’t code C++ if someone had a gun to their head. I can just imagine some HTML script kiddy writing some sweet interface for a media player or something else that transcends the current “I am tethered to my monitor” world.
GO Google. 😉


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