Maybe we are crazy… but we weren’t wrong.

On the road to becoming one of the oldest augmented reality agencies in the US, many have called us crazy for our love, advocacy, and heavy investment in AR technology. But here’s the thing, we aren’t the only ones. At this point, there is no denying, AUGMENTED REALITY IS THE FUTURE! How do we know? Three words: Apple Vision Pro.

The Apple Vision Pro is a lightweight AR headset that marks a significant milestone in wearable AR technology — a development we’ve been waiting for since 2009. The Apple Vision Pro leverages Apple’s incredibly advanced LiDAR technology and their trademark sleek design – seamlessly integrating AR into the user’s daily routine without compromising on style or functionality. 

Regardless of your thoughts on Apple, there is no denying its track record in designing, developing, marketing, and launching successful products. Apple’s decision to pour substantial resources into developing the Apple Vision Pro isn’t a gamble or a shot in the dark; it is a calculated investment grounded in meticulous market research and a deep understanding of emerging technological trends. 

“I do think that a significant portion of the population of developed countries, and eventually all countries, will have AR experiences every day, almost like eating three meals a day, it will become that much a part of you”, says Apple CEO, Tim Cook

Like us, Apple knows that the global demand for AR-enabled devices and applications is steadily on the rise, indicating a significant market opportunity to be a primary hardware provider. As consumer preferences shift towards immersive and interactive digital experiences, the integration of AR into everyday devices becomes increasingly essential.

So, what does all of this mean for AR agencies like Gravity Jack? The short answer is that we are about to be busy! Major corporations are well aware of the Apple Vision Pro and the digital renaissance occurring across all industries; however, only 1% of retailers are currently using AR –  that’s about to change in a major way. And we’ve already hit the ground running!

When Apple’s announcement hit, Gravity Jack immediately dusted off a 15-year-old gaming concept, combining AR and AI to create WarTribe of Binyamin – an immersive mobile game that turns everyday surroundings into a 2133 AI apocalypse. Users battle monsters, fight a real AI villain, and lead a transcontinental rebellion to reclaim their world. Woah, what? Learn more about WarTribe of Binyamin on!

Gaming mechanics aside, we saw the release of the Apple Vision Pro as an opportunity to add an internal gaming division to Gravity Jack. Its announcement was a perfect trigger for us to take our company to a whole new level and open it up for investment to the public. Since it’s not like investors can go to their Robinhood or E*Trade accounts and invest in augmented reality, StartEngine has proved to be the perfect medium for the public to get in on the ground floor of this emerging technology. In less than two months, Gravity Jack has launched a successful campaign that has already raised over $200k (more by the time you read this).

All of this to say, you don’t have to take our word for it, or even the countless statistics that say augmented reality is the future, Apple’s investment into the tech should tell you everything you need to know. Apple is positioning themselves to reap the rewards of its investment in AR with the Apple Vision Pro, and they will certainly ensure that their endeavors are fruitful, paving the way for a future where AR becomes an indispensable part of our daily lives (which we’re here for!).

Gravity Jack, too, has positioned itself to reap the rewards, with six and counting AR/VR patents, numerous licensing agreements, and 14-plus years as a development agency – all of which are available for you to own today. If you aren’t ready to invest, but you’re interested in watching the future experience come to life, you can simply add us to your watchlist on StartEngine.

Have additional questions? Please feel free to drop us a line at

In the meantime, keep an eye out for the launch of the Apple Vision Pro in 2024. We’re crazy ready for it!


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