3D in Education | Fly through 17th Century London, Before The Great Fire

Gravity Jack In the Press

Up to this point, we’ve seen artistic renderings of London, back before the Great Fire in 1966, but six students from De Montfort University have created an amazing 3D rendering of 17th century London — more historically accurate than ever before.

In the video, you’ll fly through London, as it existed prior to The Great Fire of 1666, including the famous “Pudding Lane” where the legendary fire started.

Londonist first published the historically driven artistic piece, stating “Although most of the buildings are conjectural, the students used a realistic street pattern (taken from historical maps) and even included the hanging signs of genuine inns and businesses” that had been mentioned in diaries and other writings from this period.

The team was awarded Off the Map‘s 1st prize. The competition is run by the British Library and game developers GameCity and Crytek.


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