Virtual Reality

Unboxing the HTC Vive Pro HMD with Wireless Adapter Attachment and VIVE Tracker

Ryan from Gravity Jack recently sat down and unboxed the new Vive Pro Wireless virtual reality head-mounted display and all of the accessories that come with it. If you’re even a little curious about what’s in the box (in our best Brad Pitt voice), then you’re definitely going to watch the video above! The Vive Unboxing the HTC Vive Pro HMD with Wireless Adapter Attachment and VIVE Tracker

Ride In A Self-Driving Car Thanks To Virtual Reality from Wind River, An Intel Company

Drive…or shall we say, “ride” your way into the future, with our latest project: a new virtual reality app from Wind River, an Intel company! Have you ever wondered what it would be like once self-driving cars own the road? We have too. Thankfully, you can finally stop wondering and experience it for yourself, thanks Ride In A Self-Driving Car Thanks To Virtual Reality from Wind River, An Intel Company

AR vs VR – Who Will Win The Race Between Augmented & Virtual Reality?

Earlier this week Mark Rosner wrote an article for VentureBeat titled, Why AR Will Be Bigger Than VR. He opens the piece by conceding the fact that when VR is done right, it’s an incredibly compelling experience with enormous upside. As an agency that creates custom virtual reality experiences, we couldn’t agree more. There is very AR vs VR – Who Will Win The Race Between Augmented & Virtual Reality?

Virtual Reality for Data Visualization

At Gravity Jack we’re committed to creating the future experience, and are bullish on virtual reality (VR)! Anyone who’s had the chance to use a modern VR device such as the HTC Vive knows that VR is a powerful and transformative medium. The fields that VR can transform include gaming, travel, real estate, entertainment and Virtual Reality for Data Visualization