Augmented Reality

AR’s Impact On Trade Shows: A Manufacturing Case Study

The following is a case study of how augmented reality overcomes logistical impossibilities and creates a selling experience that demonstrates all the nuances of high-ticket products with many complicated mechanisms. BACKGROUND & PROBLEM Sumitomo is a diverse company that sells products or services related to: Metal Products, Transportation and Construction Systems, Infrastructure, Mineral Resources, Energy, AR’s Impact On Trade Shows: A Manufacturing Case Study

Augmented Reality Meets Altruism

Using AR tech for good

It’s no secret there is a lot of money in technology. As you may know, augmented reality alone is projected to be a $74.8 BILLION industry by 2030. That’s right,  billion with a capital B. As eye-popping as that number is, let’s set it aside to explore a world where augmented reality tech collides with Augmented Reality Meets Altruism


It’s been said before, but it’s worth repeating. Augmented Reality (AR) is a rapidly growing technology that is expected to have a significant impact on multiple industries over the next decade. There are several reports out there predicting what impact AR will have on various industries, so we’ve gone ahead and put together a breakdown AUGMENTED REALITY MARKET SHARE ANALYSIS


It’s no secret that Apple has embraced the cutting-edge technology of augmented reality (and why shouldn’t they?) with its ARKit platform. One of the key technologies that powers ARKit is LiDAR, which stands for Light Detection and Ranging. In past blog posts, we’ve explored ARKit and LiDAR technologies separately, but today we discuss how together they unlock endless possibilities HOW LIDAR IN ARKIT IS SHAPING AUGMENTED REALITY