Google ‘Mobilegeddon’: How to Make Your Site Mobile Friendly

Gravity Jack In the Press

Don’t want to disappear from Google search? Be ‘mobile friendly’ by April 21st

For years, we have been strongly encouraging our clients to consider and support mobile responsiveness in any and all website design. Though it was encouraged by any means necessary, technically, the practice wasn’t explicitly considered a “must-do.” Not anymore, Google has announced its latest game changing overhaul for its mobile-search algorithms. The change that takes place this month (21st to be exact), will now penalize companies who do not offer a “mobile-friendly” website. The term “penalize” can be vague, so let us clarify…

If you do not have what Google considers to be a ‘mobile friendly’ website, you will be demoted — shoved down, from the top of search results on any mobile device. With one fell swoop, Google has taken an “option” for web admins and created an emergency sink or swim atmosphere.

Why the change? Why now?

Google has done just fine for itself for over a decade, so why the change? Now that half of Google’s traffic can be accounted for on mobile devices, the time for a change is here and undeniable. This means that text too small to read on-the-go will put you at a disadvantage, and links that can’t be simply clicked with a tap of a finger will make your website about as relevant as classifieds in last month’s newspaper. Why? Because they can! Google is indisputably the 21st century’s better-functioning cousin to the Yellow Pages. People use the service over a wide range of sites and networks to not only find your business directly, but more importantly, they may not even know that its you they are looking for. Thanks to features like keyword ranking and location awareness, it’s more important than ever to have your website current and ‘playing nice’ with Google’s latest guidelines so that you’re sure to show up, when someone’s looking for you.

How to know if your website will be affected

Before you hit the panic button, Google has provided a conveniently handy tool to help those of us at their mercy. To find out if you’ll be affected by the April 21st changes, simply type your website’s address (URL) into the box and click “Analyze.” Their system will crawl your site and determine if it meets their standards. If not, you’ll be offered a number of reasons as to why it’s not. Ready to check? Click this link to see if your website is up-to-date with Google’s changes: Google’s Mobile Friendly Tool: Check My Website

Help! My site is not mobile-friendly! What do I do?!

If you’ve found yourself pinned by the upcoming changes, and unsure of how to fix it or where to turn, you’re still in luck! Here at Gravity Jack, we have helped launch countless websites that are consistent with Google’s mobile-friendly requirements — and have been for years! If you’d like to speak with our team about getting your website mobile friendly and responsive, we’ve set up a real quick way for you to do so! Just visit and tell us what site you need our help with. We’ll reach out today so you can speak to our award winning team.

On the go? Not a problem, we passed the mobile-friendly test with flying colors, so you’ll be able to use the site on your phone too! 🙂Fix My Site!


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